Christmas in the air...really! :)

It has been busy around here! Busy is what has kept me away from my blog! It does feel good to sit down tonight, and share a little about our world. We are getting in the Christmas spirit around here! We, or Steve brought the decorations, etc. down from the attic. This alone is a chore. Thank you Steve! We have began putting the decorations up. I am in hopes to have the tree up this weekend. We want to make sure that we are all here! I LOVE listening to Christmas carols. I bought a C.D. at Desseret Book. The name of it is called LDS Christmas Collection. Donny Osmond sings Mary Did You Know....beautiful is all I can say. I can barely listen to this song with out tearing up every time! I love this time of year, and what it represents. I will write more about that later. :) I am off for FHE, and then watch my show! Dancing With The Stars! I have a question? Who are you voting for? I think everyone on there is soooo good!
Oh i love "Mary did you know" sang by Donny Osmond.
Sounds like you are getting ready for Christmas.
The weather man says that is going to snow here tonight and on Thursday. Hmm, we will see. I will call you this week. How dose Weds sound to you?
Hey, come see my spiral Christmas
tree! We can grab a salad up here
too ;) I'll probably swing by your
place before you can get to me ;)
I will have to check out that CD!
I love this picture~ and aren't you loving that its cooling down so much now? We even had hot chocolate last night!!
I love all the vintage photos you've been using on your posts! Classic! I hear ya on the busy! I should really get off the computer! We've been battling ear infections, croup, and post croup bronchialitis! No fun! I think I will have to look for that CD! I need a new one for my ever growing collection!
I can't even begin to imagine what your Christmas decorations are like. You have such a talent for decorating. Your house is probably amazingly festive for the holidays!
I found your blog from my sister, Kristen. I love dancing with the stars! I never vote, but I watch faithfully!
I am voting for Marie!! SHe didn't do so well and that doll dance was pretty lame. I hope she can pull through though.
So you like that cd? I was looking at it and wanted it but wasn't sure. I will have to go back to get it.
that is the 2nd time I have heard about that cd.. I need to get it!
I would love to see Marie win.. but that doll dance.. ummmmm not so good! she looked adorable.. and she is amazing.. I am betting Helio and Julianne win..
have a good one!
I LOVE the picture that's with this post. I don't know what it is about it, just love it. I'm not a DWTS fan so I have no idea who I would vote for.
It is a chore to just get the house ready for the holiday isn't it but oh so worth it! I love seeing the kids get all into decorating!
I have missed the last few episodes but I think I like the race car driver the best!
I can't wait to see pictures of your house. I love decorating for the holidays, especially since Ryley is so excited about every single thing she sees.
Fun! My kids were insistent that we set up for Christmas over the past weekend, so we did! It is lots of fun!
And I just got the Mary's Lullabies Christmas CD at Deseret Book, love it!
I hope Marie wins! A Christmas CD with the Osmonds sounds wonderful! Be sure to post a pic of your decorations and tree. :)
I too will have to check out that cd. Nothing like Christmas carols to put you in the spirit!
It definitely is a chore getting the stuff out. I opted to keep most of mine upstairs just for less clutter sake. Hope you have a great week!
I also do not watch DWTS but I hope you fav. wins! I loove this time of year.. the carols, the decorations all of it. Your blog looks so great! I love this pic you posted.
It always is so crazy busy doing Christmas decorations - but so fun with music on - I feel like every room in my house is chaos!!!! Back to decorating!
So glad someone is getting on the ball already for decorations! I haven't done anything yet. :( Hopefully tonight!
Oh, and I feel for you SOO bad having to tell all 4 kids about the birds & the bees! (and boys too!).
your home always sounds so peaceful and together!! i love it!
DWTS was vote was helio-cuz of the brazilian thing..hehe
I bet you decorate your house so beautifully for Christmas. I want to see pictures.
TAG~ You're IT! Check the blog for details...
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